Plastic Agency

Plastic Agency is a 360° talent and creative agency with offices in Beverly Hills, California. Plastic was founded in November 2018, and represents multi-dimensional talent and brands in the lifestyle, wellness, beauty and fashion sectors.


Although recently launched, Plastic was founded on the principles of giving back in support of our local communities. Plastic connects clients and colleagues to issues and people they care about most deeply. By raising awareness of pressing issues, and lending support to worthy organizations and initiatives, locally and abroad.

For Plastic’s clients–from experienced activists to newcomers to philanthropy–the Plastic Foundation program is an advocate. We connect clients to the causes and organizations that matter most to them.

Plastic Foundation | Plastic Agency | Give Back
Plastic Foundation | Plastic Agency | Give Back
Plastic Foundation | Plastic Agency | Give Back
Plastic Foundation | Plastic Agency | Give Back
Plastic Foundation | Plastic Agency | Give Back
Plastic Foundation | Plastic Agency | Give Back
Plastic Foundation | Plastic Agency | Give Back